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royal navy (英國)皇家海軍〔略 R.N.〕。

royal octavo

“ i am delighted that the royal navy is supporting the bid , “ he said . “ greenwich , which has historic links with the navy that continue today , is a key part of london s bid “我非常高興英國皇家海軍支持倫敦申奧, ”他說, “格林威治與海軍有著歷史聯系,并且一直延續至今,它將成為倫敦申奧的重要組成部分。 ”

Admiral sir alan west added : “ the royal navy and the olympic movement share many ideals , such as encouraging individual and team success in the face of challenge and adversity 海軍上將艾倫韋斯特爵士補充道: “英國皇家海軍和奧林匹克運動擁有許多共同的目標,如在挑戰和逆境前鼓勵個人和團體成功。 ”

Judge smith is known as a navy buff , and fisher was a royal navy admiral who developed the idea for a giant battleship called the hms dreadnought in the early 20th century 彼得?史密斯對海軍頗感興趣,費希爾是一名皇家海軍上將,他于20世紀早期就詳細地規劃要造一艘名為“ hms大無畏“的巨型戰艦。

The daughter of a shipwright in the royal navy , elizabeth marsh had her first sailing adventure as she travelled in her mother ' s womb from jamaica to england in 1735 1735年在從牙買加開往英格蘭的船上,伊莉莎白?馬什,這位英國皇家海軍部隊造船匠的女兒在母親的肚中經歷了她第一次的航海遠行。

Back in 1924 , two flying officers from the royal navy of united kingdom visited the observatory and furnished copies of temperature readings made during four flights over hong kong ( 遠在一九二四年,英國海軍的兩名飛行軍官給天文臺提供了他們在香港上空四次飛行中所收集到的溫度數據(

The family saw off attempts by britain ' s royal navy to evict them and also an attempt in 1978 by a group of german and dutch businessmen to seize sealand by force 但英國海軍卻多次試圖將貝茨家族從“海國”驅逐出去。 1978年,一群來自德國和荷蘭的商人曾試圖通過武力占領這塊“領土” 。

A young man [ color = red ] on the first rung of the royal navy [ / color ] , while perfectly agreeable to doing away with big business and marriage , got as red - necked as mr 小伙子一方面愿意對婚姻帶來的一連串可悲的后果讓步,同時也舍不得放棄有希望給他們提供一份事業的組織機構。

The family saw off an attempt by britain ' s royal navy to evict them and also an attempt in 1978 by a group of german and dutch businessmen to seize sealand by force 這一家人打敗了英國海軍驅逐他們的行動,并且在1978年挫敗了一伙德國和荷蘭商人以武力占領海國的陰謀。

Recent operational deployments for the harriers have been to italy in support of nato and un operations in bosnia and serbia , and to the gulf embarked on royal navy aircraft carriers 鷂最近參與的軍事行動是在意大利支援北約和聯合國在波斯尼亞和塞爾維亞的行動。

The stalemate began march 23 when 15 royal navy sailors and marines who were inspecting ships in the persian gulf were captured by members of the iranian revolutionary guard 僵局開始于3月23日,在波斯灣對過往船只進行檢察的15名皇家海軍人員被伊朗革命衛隊逮捕。

The royal navy hostage crisis entered a new phase today after all 15 captured british sailors “ confessed ” that they strayed into iranian waters 在15名被俘的英國海軍“供認”他們由于米勒而進入伊朗海域后,英國皇家海軍人質事件進入了一個新的階段。

The setting was especially appropriate as the royal navy prepares to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the battle of trafalgar later this year 這次活動安排恰逢時機,因為英國皇家海軍準備在今年晚些時候舉行慶祝特拉法爾加戰役200周年的紀念活動。

Hms westminster , a royal navy ship , concluded a five - day visit , to celebrate the uk s long - standing partnership with shanghai on monday 23 october 英國皇家軍艦威斯敏斯特號已于10月23日星期一結束了在上海為期五天的友好訪問。

Britain says the two small royal navy patrol craft were in iraqi waters when they were seized by sailors of iran ' s revolutionary guard 英國方面說,當2艘小型皇家海軍巡邏艇被伊朗革命護衛隊抓住的時候,它們是在伊拉克水域。

The role of the royal navy in the united kingdom ' s foreign and security policy , means that the size and shape of the fleet will continue to evolve 皇家海軍在英國外交安全政策中的職能,意味著艦隊的規模和性能將繼續發展。

The royal navy has signed up as an official supporter of london s bid to host the 2012 olympic games and paralympic games 納爾遜見證英國皇家海軍投身申奧英國皇家海軍已經正式成為倫敦申辦2012年奧運會和殘奧會的贊助者。

Britain says the two small royal navy patrol craft were in iraqi waters when they were seized by sailors of iran ' s revolutionary guard 英國方面稱這兩艘皇家海軍小型巡航艦是在被伊朗革命衛隊海軍逮捕時進入伊朗海域的。

As britain had no tank - carrying craft lighter than lct landing craft tank , lcms were also readily adopted by the royal navy 由于英國沒有比坦克登陸艇更輕的運輸坦克的艦艇,所以lcm登陸艇也同樣受皇家海軍的采用

1759 work commenced on the royal navy ? s 104 - gun battleship h m s victory - constructed from the wood of some 2 200 oak trees 英國開始建造配有104門大炮的皇家海軍戰艦“勝利號“ 。造這艘戰艦用了2200株櫟樹木料。